Ukraine’s T-84 Tanks Defy the Odds: No Losses Reported in Over Two Years of Conflict

Written by Kathrine Frich

Aug.31 - 2024 12:49 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Ukraine reportedly had at least six T-84 Oplot tanks and one or two T-84U models at the war's onset.

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As the full-scale war in Ukraine stretches into its third year, one remarkable fact has emerged: Ukraine's T-84 and T-84U tanks, considered the pinnacle of Ukrainian armored engineering, have sustained zero confirmed losses.

Resilient in Active Combat

Despite being in active combat since the war's outbreak, these advanced tanks have proven resilient, even withstanding multiple attacks from Russian Lancet-3 drones, according to WP.

The T-84 series, developed by the Malyshev Factory in Kharkiv, represents a significant evolution of the Soviet-era T-80UD tank. Ukraine reportedly had at least six T-84 Oplot tanks and one or two T-84U models at the war's onset.

These tanks continue to play a crucial role on the battlefield, demonstrating exceptional durability and advanced technological capabilities.

Most Advanced Variant

The T-84 Oplot, the most advanced variant, boasts several key improvements over its predecessors.

The most notable is the replacement of the carousel-style autoloader, which was integrated into the turret, with a safer, turret-mounted autoloader similar to those found in Western tanks. This modification significantly enhances crew safety.

Another critical upgrade is the heavy two-layer reactive armor known as "Duplet," an advanced version of the "Knife" armor used on other Ukrainian tanks like the T-64BM.

This armor is designed to protect against tandem warheads and kinetic energy penetrators, adding significant weight to the tank—approximately 51 tons, making it one of the heaviest post-Soviet tanks. Despite the increased weight, a powerful 1200 horsepower diesel engine maintains the tank’s mobility.

The T-84 Oplot is also equipped with the Zaslon active protection system, which can intercept incoming anti-tank missiles, akin to Israel's Trophy system.

Coupled with a state-of-the-art fire control system and the ability to operate in a hunter-killer mode, the T-84 Oplot stands as a formidable force on the battlefield, showcasing Ukraine’s resilience and innovation in modern warfare.
