Ukrainian Forces Outsmart Russian Troops, Leading to Costly Friendly Fire

Written by Kathrine Frich

Aug.23 - 2024 9:13 AM CET

Photo: Screenshot
Photo: Screenshot
The close proximity of the two Russian vehicles should have made such a mistake unlikely.

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Russian forces found themselves in an embarrassing and costly situation, recently in the fighting going on in the Kursk region.

A Costly Mistake

A video circulating online captures the moment when a Russian BMP-3 armored vehicle mistakenly opened fire on a friendly BMP-2, destroying it, according to Tech.

The incident, which occurred in the village of Ruskaya Konopelka, highlights the challenges and confusion facing Russian troops in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

Friendly fire, the accidental targeting of one's own forces, is often the result of misidentifying allies as enemies. In this case, military analysts on social media suggest that the close proximity of the two Russian vehicles should have made such a mistake unlikely, adding an extra layer of surprise to the incident.

The BMP-3, a modern infantry fighting vehicle developed in the 1980s, boasts enhanced armor and weaponry compared to its predecessor, the BMP-2. It is equipped with a 100mm low-pressure gun capable of firing both high-explosive and anti-tank rounds, as well as a 30mm cannon and a 7.62mm machine gun.

Managed to Escape Unscathed

Despite these advancements, the BMP-3’s crew failed to recognize their target, leading to the destruction of their own BMP-2, a vehicle also developed in the 1980s and widely used in Russia’s military operations.

The incident occurred while a Ukrainian Kozak armored personnel carrier, a 4x4 light vehicle, managed to escape unscathed, retreating to safety. Ukrainian forces in the region have been effectively organized, employing a diverse array of NATO-supplied equipment.

Reports from social media have shown Ukrainian troops using American Stryker armored vehicles, Polish PT-91 Twardy tanks, and HIMARS artillery, all of which contribute to the increasing disarray among Russian forces.
