Ukrainian Forces Seize Rare Russian Merlin-VR Drones

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.12 - 2024 12:01 PM CET

The Merlin-VR drones are considered among the most advanced Russian UAVs.

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Ukrainian forces have successfully captured several rare Russian Merlin-VR spy drones, utilizing inexpensive FPV (First Person View) drones, according to Defence Blog.

Critical for Advanced Reconnaissance

These captures are documented in numerous videos circulating on social media, showcasing the effectiveness of these low-cost devices when modified into lethal "kamikaze" drones.

The Merlin-VR drones, used by Russia since 2021, are considered among the most advanced Russian UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Their loss is significant as these drones were critical for advanced reconnaissance.

Since the conflict in Ukraine began in February 2022, Russia is reported to have lost only two Merlin-VRs, though actual losses could be higher as estimates from the Oryx group include only visually confirmed equipment losses.

A Hybrid Propulsion System

Developed by Russia's Institute for Research in Modern Telecommunication Technologies (SRI STT), the Merlin-VR was touted by Russian propaganda as a "unique solution" and a "technological breakthrough."

It features a "hybrid" propulsion system, capable of operating up to five kilometers high, carrying payloads of up to 6.5 kilograms, and flying continuously for up to 10 hours.

The captured footage reveals Ukrainian forces using FPV drones—typically inexpensive and modified with combat payloads—to target and neutralize the sophisticated Merlin-VR drones. This strategy highlights the growing role of low-cost technology in modern warfare, proving effective against high-tech adversaries.

Experts noted that initial captures of the Merlin-VR drones in 2022 revealed Western components, suggesting that Russia might be circumventing sanctions.

Reports in early 2023 identified components from French, Israeli, and Chinese manufacturers in the drones, indicating a complex supply chain despite geopolitical restrictions.
