Ukrainian Forces Use U.S. Stryker Vehicles to Clear Complex Minefields

Written by Kathrine Frich

Aug.07 - 2024 1:28 PM CET

Photo: Shutterrstock
Photo: Shutterrstock
The LWMR system allows the Stryker to effectively navigate and neutralize complex minefield.

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Ukrainian forces are utilizing advanced American Stryker vehicles, specifically the M1132 variant, in their operations. This situation mirrors previous pro-Ukrainian raids in the Belgorod region in 2023, where similar Western equipment was used, according to Tech.

Navigate and Neutralize Minefields

The M1132 Stryker, equipped with a lightweight mine roller (LWMR), is a crucial asset for the Ukrainians.

This specialized variant is designed to clear minefields, a critical function given the extensive use of mines by both sides to restrict enemy movement.

The LWMR system allows the Stryker to effectively navigate and neutralize complex minefields, a significant advantage in the current conflict.

Remote-Controlled Weapon System

In addition to its mine-clearing capabilities, the M1132 Stryker provides substantial protection for its occupants. It features a V-shaped hull for improved blast resistance and can carry up to nine troops, shielding them from various forms of small arms fire.

The vehicle’s optional ceramic armor enhances its defense against armor-piercing rounds, though it remains susceptible to FPV drones without robust electronic warfare support.

The Stryker is also equipped with a Kongsberg Protector RWS, a remote-controlled weapon system with stabilized optics, facilitating accurate target engagement even in challenging conditions.

Typically armed with a Mk19 grenade launcher or a Browning M2 heavy machine gun, the Stryker is effective at ranges up to 2 kilometers, making it a formidable component in both offensive and defensive operations.
