Ukrainian Mayor Suggests Referendum as Path to Peace

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.21 - 2024 1:06 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko suggested that Ukraine may need to hold a referendum to achieve peace

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In a recent interview, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko suggested that Ukraine may need to hold a referendum to achieve peace amidst the ongoing conflict. According to URA this statement reflects Klitschko's doubts about President Volodymyr Zelensky's willingness to share power.

What is a Referendum?

A referendum is a direct vote by the electorate on a specific proposal, often related to constitutional or legislative changes. In this context, a referendum would allow the Ukrainian people to directly decide on crucial peace agreements that President Zelensky might not be able to finalize on his own.

The Importance of a Referendum for Ukraine

Klitschko believes that a referendum could legitimize any significant and painful agreements needed to achieve peace. He emphasized that Zelensky might not be able to make these decisions independently without the approval of the Ukrainian public.

“Zelensky will likely have to resort to a referendum,” Klitschko stated, highlighting the importance of public endorsement for any major peace agreement.

Proposal for a National Unity Government

Klitschko proposed the formation of a national unity government, similar to the model used in Israel, to navigate the peace process. However, he expressed doubts about Zelensky's willingness to relinquish any of his concentrated power.

Since the onset of martial law, Ukraine's parliament has lost significant influence, with Zelensky consolidating much of the governmental power. Klitschko's suggestion implies that sharing power through a national unity government could foster a more inclusive decision-making process during these critical times.
