Video: Russian Soldiers Caught Looting Pig Farm in Belgorod

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.14 - 2024 10:50 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Russian Armed Forces soldiers were caught on surveillance video looting a pig farm in the Belgorod region.

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Russian Armed Forces soldiers were caught on surveillance video looting a pig farm in the Belgorod region.

Looted Pigfarm

According to Ziare the incident, which took place on July 10, was first reported by the Russian Telegram channel "Ashes" and has only recently come to light.

At 8:30 PM, two armed Russian soldiers drove onto the pig farm's property and began looting. Surveillance footage shows the soldiers removing a large package from the farm and stashing it in the trunk of their vehicle. The exact contents of the stolen package remain unknown.

Additionally, the soldiers broke into one of the administrative buildings on the farm. However, they appeared to leave empty-handed, suggesting they found nothing of value inside.

Issues of Lawlessness

The pig farm is located in the Borisov district of the Belgorod region, near the border with Ukraine. The farm’s proximity to the conflict zone raises concerns about the security of civilian properties in the area.

So far, neither the Belgorod regional authorities nor the Russian military leadership have responded to the incident. The lack of response highlights potential issues of lawlessness and lack of accountability within the region, particularly given the ongoing conflict and military presence near the border.

This event underscores the challenges faced by civilians living in conflict zones, where even agricultural enterprises are not spared from the chaos and lawlessness brought about by military actions.
