Amsterdam Introduces New Hotel Ban

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.18 - 2024 9:51 AM CET

Amsterdam bans new hotels in fight against mass tourism

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To combat the challenges of mass tourism, Amsterdam has announced that it will no longer approve the construction of new hotels.

According to Reuters, this decision is part of a broader strategy aimed at preserving the city's livability for both residents and visitors.

Striking a Balance

The city government's announcement on Wednesday outlined a firm stance: maintain the number of hotel overnight stays at no more than 20 million per year.

"We want to make and keep the city liveable for residents and visitors. This means: no over-tourism, no new hotels," stated the city in a press release.

This policy means that any new hotel projects can only proceed if they replace existing ones, maintain the current number of sleeping places, and offer benefits such as increased sustainability. Exceptions to this new rule exist for projects that had already obtained building permits before the announcement.

This approach is part of Amsterdam's ongoing efforts to manage its tourism sector more sustainably.

The city has previously taken steps to reduce the influx of tourists by targeting specific types of tourism that contribute to congestion and other social issues, particularly in the famed Red Light District.