Cameras Installed in Russian Gynecology Office as "Anti-Terrorist Protection"

Written by Camilla Jessen

Aug.28 - 2024 7:27 AM CET

Photo: Pixabay
Photo: Pixabay
Cameras have been installed in a gynecologist's office in Russia.

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A gynecologist's office in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia, has come under scrutiny after video cameras were discovered in the examination room.

A local Telegram news channel shared footage provided by a patient who found cameras positioned directly in front of an OB/GYN table at one of the city’s hospitals. You can watch the Telegram footage here.

The patient, who wishes to remain anonymous, explained that she was initially asked to sign several documents, including one consenting to be filmed while in the hospital.

A staff member assured her that the cameras were only in the corridors.

She later discovered that cameras were also installed in doctors' offices and recorded the footage herself.

The hospital's chief physician, Radik Nadyrgulov, rejected the “inaccurate” claims in a blog post. In the statement, he insisted that the cameras had been installed “according to government regulations” as "anti-terrorist protection."

Nadyrgulov also stated that the cameras were positioned in a way that would not capture patients during examinations. He emphasized that access to any recorded footage is strictly controlled and limited to law enforcement agencies and courts.