Doctor Sentenced to Prison for Fake Corona Certificates

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jun.17 - 2024 2:08 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
She also received a three-year professional ban.

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Judge Delivers Controversial Sentence

At 9:23 AM, Judge Jürgen Scheuring (55) entered the courtroom. The verdict: two years and eight months in prison, significantly more lenient than the prosecution’s demand of four years and ten months. Additionally,

Bianca W. received a three-year professional ban. As Scheuring read out the names on the fraudulent medical certificates, an audience member voiced his discontent, shouting, "She helped so many people with her certificates," before being escorted out of the courtroom.

Protests Erupt in Courtroom

The outburst sparked a wave of protest among the nearly 110 attendees. They sang the national anthem and chanted "Freedom! Freedom!" Those who were removed from the courtroom shouted "Shame on you!" as they were escorted out.

By 9:35 AM, the courtroom was cleared by police.

The trial resumed at 10:45 AM. In a surprising turn, despite her sentence of two years and eight months, Bianca W. was temporarily released until the verdict becomes final. She must adhere to specific conditions:

  • reporting to the Moritzburg police every Tuesday at 8:30 AM,

  • notifying authorities of any employment,

  • and reporting any change in residence.

Fraudulent Certificates

Outside the courthouse, a celebratory mood prevailed.

Bianca W., who claims to be a member of the "Indigenous People of the Germanites," had been in custody since February 2023.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, she issued 1,003 fraudulent medical certificates, often without examination.

These certificates were sold across Germany for between 25 and 50 euros each, potentially earning her around 360,000 euros. However, only 48,000 euros were accounted for in the charges.

The fraudulent certificates were produced using a so-called bioresonance device, which Mainz scientists discovered could declare perfect health even for liverwurst and corpses.

At the peak of the pandemic, Bianca W. offered three types of certificates: exemptions from wearing masks, general vaccination prohibitions, and allowances for saliva tests only.