EU Proposals Could Make Swedish Jam Illegal After More Than a Century on the Market

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.12 - 2024 10:47 AM CET

Photo: Dr. Victor Wong /
Photo: Dr. Victor Wong /
Stock up on Swedish jam before it disappears from the market.

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A new proposal from the European Commission aims to make breakfast foods healthier for Europeans by raising the minimum berry content requirements in jam. The proposed regulations, discussed on April 10 and 11, seek to increase the minimum berry content in jams from 35 to 45 grams per hundred grams of product.

The proposal, which is likely to pass, poses significant implications for the Swedish jam industry, potentially altering over a century of culinary tradition.

Impact on Jam Producers

Björnekulla, a renowned producer with popular offerings like raspberry jam, queen jam, and strawberry jam, finds itself at a crossroads due to these changes, as all the products would fall below the new permitted limit if the law is enacted.

Björnekulla would then face two options: either change their classic recipes or stop labeling their products as jam.

Pär Berglund, CEO of Björnekulla, expressed concerns about potential impacts on taste and pricing.

"More berries and less sugar tend to make the jam more sour. It's not just about compliance; it's about consumer preference," Berglund explained to Sydsvenskan.

Peter Kullgren, Minister of Rural Affairs, clarified that the intention behind the regulation is not to ban existing products but to standardize what qualifies as jam across Europe.

"This ensures that when you buy jam, whether in Sweden or Spain, you're getting the same quality and content," Kullgren stated.