German Woman Ends 10-Year Relationship with Airplane

Written by Camilla Jessen

Sep.16 - 2024 9:56 AM CET

Photo: Truly on YouTube
Photo: Truly on YouTube
Michèle Köbke's relationship with an airplane sheds light on the rare phenomenon of objectophilia.

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Michèle Köbke had a relationship unlike any other.

Her unusual love story began over ten years ago when she fell in love with a Boeing 737-800 airplane, which she affectionately nicknamed "Schatz" (German for "darling").

After a decade of being "together," Köbke recently announced that their relationship had come to an end.

The reason? The increasing distance between them.

The Phenomenon of Objectophilia

Köbke’s relationship with the airplane is an example of objectophilia, a rare phenomenon where individuals develop romantic or sexual feelings toward objects.

Psychologist Björn Hedensjö, who recently discussed objectophilia on the program Efter Fem, explained that those with this condition often experience a form of communication with the object, making the relationship feel like a meaningful exchange.

“It may seem one-sided, but there is some kind of exchange,” Hedensjö noted, adding that there is very little research on the phenomenon.

A Unique Love Story

Köbke, who has openly shared her feelings, described how she first fell in love with the Boeing 737-800.

Boarding the aircraft overwhelmed her with emotions, and her most memorable moment came when she visited a hangar and kissed the airplane. She once expressed hopes of marrying the plane, declaring, "I am simply different and stand for my love for my 737."

However, despite her devotion, Köbke recently revealed that the relationship had come to an end due to the physical distance.

Still, she stressed in an interview with Expressen that she and the plane remain "friends."