North Korea’s Kim Jong-un Struggles with Health Problems

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.30 - 2024 11:34 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Both his father and grandfather died of similar ailments.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, despite being only 40 years old, is grappling with significant health issues, according to international reports.

Symptoms Since His 30s

The South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) has highlighted that Kim's health problems are largely attributed to his obesity, according to Ziare. This condition is compounded by his sedentary lifestyle, smoking habits, and alcohol consumption.

Kim Jong-un, who assumed leadership of North Korea in 2011, comes from a family with a troubling history of heart disease.

Both his father and grandfather died of similar ailments. Reports suggest that Kim, who stands about 5'7" and weighs approximately 308 pounds, has been experiencing symptoms of hypertension and diabetes since his 30s.

Sourcing Best Medications

Without intervention, experts warn that he could eventually face serious heart problems.

The NIS has also reported that Kim's close associates are sourcing the best medications from abroad to manage his health. Despite these efforts, his condition remains a serious concern given his family history and current lifestyle choices.

Kim's health issues are not just a personal matter but also have broader implications for North Korea's leadership stability. The regime's secrecy about Kim's health might be influenced by concerns over how his potential health decline could impact the country's governance and international relations.