Pope Francis Calls Out Democracy's Decline, Urges Political Integrity

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.07 - 2024 5:22 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
"Democracy is not in a good state."

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Pope Francis, attending an annual Roman Catholic convention on social affairs in Trieste, voiced deep concerns about the current state of democracy worldwide.

Democracy is Not in a Good State

Accoding to Digi24 he was dddressing attendees, when he remarked:

"Let us recognize, it is evident that in today's world, democracy is not in a good state. This worries us, because the well-being of humanity is at stake. Certain forms of welfare that do not recognize the unity of people are social hypocrisies. Let us not forget this. What lies behind this distancing from social reality? It is indifference. And indifference is a cancer of democracy."

The Pope also called on politicians to steer clear of populism and collaborate earnestly to build stronger societies.

"We are charged not to manipulate the word 'democracy' or distort it with empty titles devoid of content, capable of justifying any action. Democracy is not an empty shell," added the Pontiff.

Prioritize Unity and Dialogue

His statements come in response to growing concerns among bishops regarding the rise of populism and nationalism across Europe.

Pope Francis's remarks highlight a critical reflection on the challenges facing democratic principles globally, urging a return to principles that uphold human dignity and social justice.

His call for political leaders to prioritize unity and genuine dialogue resonates against a backdrop of increasing polarization and societal divisions, emphasizing the need for concerted efforts to safeguard democratic values and promote inclusive governance.

The convention in Trieste serves as a platform for addressing pressing social issues within the context of Catholic teachings, underscoring Pope Francis's commitment to fostering dialogue on matters crucial to the well-being and cohesion of global communities.

His advocacy for a democracy rooted in ethical responsibility and solidarity underscores the Catholic Church's ongoing role in advocating for social justice and human rights on the international stage.