She Wanted to Punish Them After School: Mother Leaves Her Two Children Aged 6 and 8 on the Side of the Road

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.11 - 2024 1:55 PM CET

Photo: Google Maps
Photo: Google Maps
Returning to pick them up, she comes face to face with a local police patrol.

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The Spanish juvenile court has seen its fair share of unique cases. This one might be a bit more unusual than others.

On December 13th, a mother went to pick up her children from school. Aged 6 and 8, they were frolicking in the back seat. So much so that the mother lost patience during the journey, which was very short between Arenals del Sol and l'Altet, between Elche and Alicante (Spain).

1 kilometer

Then, the mother made a radical decision: she decided to leave her children on the side of the road, which was "two-way" and "poorly lit," according to the town hall report cited by French 324.

Her objective was to leave and return a few minutes later.

However, upon her return, the mother did not find her children.

A passerby informed her that her children were further away down the road. Exactly 1 kilometer from where she had taken them out of the car.

When she finally found them, the mother saw that her children were not alone.

Indeed, a patrol of the local police was present and eventually returned the children to their mother, before referring the case to the juvenile prosecutor's office.

The road you see in the picture at the top of this article is the road where she dropped off her children.