US Sends P-8A Poseidon Through Taiwan Strait

Written by Anna Hartz

Sep.17 - 2024 3:18 PM CET

US Conducts Taiwan Strait Operation, China Raises Fighter Jets in Response

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On September 17, the U.S. Navy conducted a strategic operation by sending a P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft through the Taiwan Strait, reaffirming its support for free and open international airspace, reports Ukrinform.

The U.S. 7th Fleet confirmed the flight, emphasizing that the operation was conducted in accordance with international law and demonstrated America's commitment to maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

China on high alert

In response, China’s military escalated tensions by deploying fighter jets to monitor and escort the U.S. aircraft.

Colonel Li Xi of the Eastern Operational Command stated that the Chinese fighter jets were deployed to oversee the U.S. aircraft’s passage, asserting that the command is always on high alert to protect China's national sovereignty and regional stability.

China views Taiwan as a rebellious province and claims the Taiwan Strait as its territory.

Consequently, it condemns the passage of U.S. and allied military assets through the Strait as provocative.

This latest incident is part of ongoing friction between China and the United States over regional control and freedom of navigation.

Germany treads the waters as well

In related news, on September 13, Germany sent two warships through the Taiwan Strait for the first time in over two decades, further highlighting international interest in maintaining open sea lanes in the region.

Overall, the U.S. operation and China’s response reflect the ongoing geopolitical tensions surrounding the Taiwan Strait and broader Indo-Pacific security dynamics.