Villagers Capture 16-Foot Crocodile After Fatal Attack on Local

Written by Camilla Jessen

Sep.11 - 2024 1:33 PM CET

A village in Indonesia united to take down a massive crocodile after it killed a local fisherman.

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A village in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, banded together to capture a massive crocodile that had claimed the life of a local fisherman.

The half-tonne reptile measured an impressive 16.4 feet in length.

According to a report by Newsflare, the large animal attacked and killed a 61-year-old local on September 6 while the man was fishing on the Karangan River.

A Deadly Encounter

The villagers of the remote area tracked the crocodile after it repeatedly threatened their community.

Onde’s tragic death wasn’t the first incident of its kind, as the animal had reportedly been stalking fishermen and damaging their boats.

"When residents fish in the river, the crocodile would chase them. It would attack boats and fishermen looking for shrimp and fish," said Anuar.

The crocodile had become a menace to the community, making the river a dangerous place for those who relied on it for fishing and transportation.

Footage from the village shows the enormous creature swimming near the surface of the water before locals cornered it near a bridge. Armed with makeshift weapons, including wooden spears, the villagers eventually forced the crocodile toward the riverbank.

Final Confrontation

One of the villagers struck the beast with a spear, subduing the crocodile after a tense standoff. Dozens of residents gathered to help secure the animal, tying its massive body with ropes before dragging it from the river.

According to Village Chief Aspul Anuar, the crocodile was found with evidence of its recent attack: human hair lodged in its mouth from its previous victim.

Once subdued, the crocodile was dragged downstream and released into the water after it had died from its injuries.