Expert shocked over how bad Trump's fraud defense is

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.30 - 2023 9:47 AM CET

Expert shocked over how bad Trump's fraud defense is.

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Legal experts are scratching their heads at the poor defense put forth by former President Donald Trump in his upcoming New York fraud trial.

According to The Daily Beast Judge Arthur Engoron has already tossed out Trump's argument that past lies on his financial statements could be justified by the eventual rise in the value of his properties.

Trump's defense argues that if his properties gained value over time, then the numbers on his financial statements weren't inflated when submitted.

Judge Engoron found this line of reasoning to be "wholly without basis in law or fact," stating that Trump's defense doesn't align with how real estate valuations are typically discussed.

The shortcomings of Trump's defense extend beyond the legal world, according to experts.

Cosmologist Marina Cortês at the Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Portugal said, "He's defying the very laws of physics. The past is different from the future. That's the most basic knowledge we have in cosmology."

Cortês further elaborated that Trump's argument violates the second law of thermodynamics, which says the future doesn't move into the past.

"It’s like Sir Arthur Eddington’s famous statement: ‘If your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope. There is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation,'" she added.

The trial, set to be decided solely by Judge Engoron, is already looking grim for the former President. The judge has determined that Trump's defense is not just legally weak, but also contradicts basic scientific principles.