Massive Drone Attack Targets Russia

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jun.21 - 2024 1:07 PM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Ukraine launches massive drone assault on Russian territory, sparking intense conflict.

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A significant escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine unfolded as Ukrainian forces launched a massive drone assault on Russian territory.

Intense Strikes on Key Locations

Ukraine deployed over a hundred drones in a coordinated attack targeting the occupied Crimean Peninsula, Krasnodar, and Volgograd Oblasts.

According to Kyiv Independent, this is one of the most extensive drone offensives by Ukraine to date.

Russian authorities reported that many of the drones were intercepted and shot down.

However, some drones successfully hit their targets, including an airfield in Krasnodar and an oil refinery in Ilya, resulting in significant fires. The attacks have led to the death of one person and injuries to at least six others.

Ukraine has increasingly relied on drone technology, both aerial and naval, to conduct its operations. This tactic has become a cornerstone of their strategy amidst ongoing Russian assaults in the Kharkiv region, where progress has been limited. Analysts believe Russia aims to inflict maximum damage before an influx of Western weapons strengthens Ukrainian defenses.

This latest wave of attacks is not an isolated incident. In recent months, Ukraine has targeted several Russian oil depots and refineries. Just yesterday, Ukrainian forces launched drone strikes on at least two oil facilities in Russia, as highlighted by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

"Ukrainian forces conducted drone attacks on at least two oil facilities in Russia between June 19 and 20," reported the ISW. The Ukrainian news agency RBK-Ukraine added that sources indicated Ukraine's security service carried out these attacks on the Tambovnefteprodukt fuel and lubricant depot in Tambov Oblast and the Lukoil-Yugnefteprodukt oil depot 'Enemska' in the Republic of Adygea.

Russia's War of Attrition

Meanwhile, reports indicate that Russia remains committed to winning the war through its vast resources and manpower. The ISW notes that the current Russian attack strategy aligns with President Vladimir Putin's recently articulated theory of victory in Ukraine.

"Russian forces aim to achieve gradual advances while maintaining pressure on Ukraine and its partners to win a war of attrition," stated the ISW.