Putin's Unusual Praise for China following U.S.-China Summit

Written by Henrik Rothen

Nov.25 - 2023 10:46 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com
Putin's Unusual Praise for China.

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In a recent development that has caught the attention of political experts in China, Russian President Vladimir Putin made an unusual statement about the People's Republic of China (PRC). This comes amidst speculations of tension between Russia and China due to China's increasing engagement with the United States.

The backdrop of these speculations was a meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in the United States. Following this meeting, Western media suggested a breakthrough in U.S.-China relations, hinting at a possible rapprochement between the two countries. Chinese journalists reported that these developments led to rumors that Putin was displeased with Xi's visit to Biden, as detailed by NetEase and summarized by ABN24.

Experts from the Chinese publication noted that Russia, while seeking closer ties with China, remains in confrontation with the U.S. Therefore, any sudden alignment between Beijing and Washington could be seen as disadvantageous for Moscow. There were even talks suggesting that Moscow envied the United States for Xi Jinping's visit.

However, these rumors were perceived in China as attempts to sow discord between Beijing and Moscow. Amidst these speculations, interesting news emerged from St. Petersburg, Russia. During the International Cultural Forum held there, President Putin made a statement about China that significantly impressed the Chinese audience.

Putin described the relationship between Russia and China as unique, emphasizing the mutual trust at its foundation. "President Putin has spoken about China several times, but he has never before referred to the relationship as unique. These are unusual words for Putin. There is no doubt that this was the highest praise Putin has ever given to China. And these words are more than enough to refute all claims about Moscow's dissatisfaction and anger towards the PRC," NetEase observers reported.

This statement by Putin is seen as a significant gesture, potentially dispelling rumors and reaffirming the strong ties between Russia and China.