First-of-Its-Kind Underground Hospital Opens for Ukraine's Armed Forces

Written by Camilla Jessen

Sep.03 - 2024 12:51 PM CET

Ukraine has launched its first underground military hospital.

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Ukraine has just opened its first underground military hospital, a facility designed to provide top-notch medical care to soldiers close to the front lines.

According to United24 Media, this new hospital is the first of its kind in the country. It was created through a partnership between the Ministry of Defense and a private investment company.

Built with six steel bunkers, the hospital is equipped with ventilation systems, a water supply, and backup power to keep it operational under even the toughest conditions. The facility includes modern operating rooms and intensive care units and can treat over 100 injured soldiers at a time.

This hospital is just the beginning, with plans to build more than 20 similar facilities across Ukraine.

The steel bunkers, known as “kryivkas,” have been specially adapted to meet the needs of military doctors. The hospital meets NATO standards, ensuring it can handle advanced medical care right on the battlefield.

Beyond its medical equipment, the hospital also features high-power electronic warfare systems and backup power sources, making it both secure and reliable in combat situations.

“Underground hospitals like this are vital for saving the lives of our soldiers. In the heat of battle, we need to provide quick, protected medical care to our heroes. This is just the first step in a big project that will boost our medical support for troops on the front lines,” said Rustem Umerov, Ukraine's Minister of Defense.

The hospital is designed to offer immediate care and treatment close to where it's needed most, ensuring that doctors and patients stay safe while receiving the necessary medical attention.