New bizarre threats from Russia: 'Berlin will burn'

Written by Henrik Rothen

Nov.16 - 2023 1:04 PM CET

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New bizarre threats from Russia.

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Russian propaganda has escalated its threats against Western Europe, with recent statements targeting Germany.

Vladimir Soloviev, a television host on Russia's Rossija 1, issued a stark warning: "Berlin will burn." This rhetoric marks a new height in the ongoing propaganda war waged by media operatives loyal to Putin.

Since the onset of the war, Western countries, particularly European Union members, have been the focus of Russian propagandists. Germany, once an ally of Russia, is now facing direct threats.

In a recent episode of Rossija 1, Soloviev launched a vehement attack on the German government, specifically targeting Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

Watch the video posted by Anton Gerashchenko below

Soloviev accused Scholz and Baerbock of naivety and ignorance, predicting dire consequences for Berlin. He claimed that their actions would lead to the city burning and the appearance of a Victory Banner in the Reichstag.

The host further accused Baerbock of "Nazism" and "corruption," holding the Scholz government responsible for the current situation.

In his tirade, Soloviev invoked World War II imagery, suggesting that Berlin needed to be liberated again. He even compared Chancellor Scholz to Adolf Hitler, intensifying the rhetoric against Germany.

The intensification of threats towards German politicians and society is a reaction to Germany's strong opposition to Russia's actions in Ukraine. Initially hesitant to arm Ukraine, the German government has since shifted its stance, sparking a heated debate within the country over military armament.

Reports of the Bundeswehr's inadequate state have prompted calls for significant modernization, reflecting Germany's changing attitude towards its defense capabilities in light of the ongoing conflict.