Russia Accuses the West of Orchestrating Sabotage Operations

Written by Henrik Rothen

Apr.26 - 2024 9:20 PM CET

Russia alleges Western involvement in orchestrating sabotage on its soil, escalating tensions further.

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Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has leveled serious accusations against Western countries, claiming they are directly assisting Ukraine in orchestrating sabotage activities within Russia.

At a recent meeting of the defense ministers from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Shoigu stated that Western advisors are actively involved in planning and preparing sabotage operations.

According to the Russian minister, Kiev, with the tacit approval of the West, is almost daily using Western-provided weapons to target civilian infrastructure in Russia. This is reported by TASS.

Western Presence in Combat Zones Raises Concerns

Shoigu expressed his displeasure over the presence of Western military experts and mercenaries in combat zones, which, according to him, complicates the ongoing conflict.

Allies of Ukraine are not only providing arms but also sharing intelligence and training Ukrainian forces.

This sentiment echoes previous statements from Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, who accused NATO instructors of preparing mercenaries and saboteurs to act against Russia.

Patrushev has described NATO as a de facto participant in the Ukrainian conflict, actively engaging in the organization of bombings in Russian territory.

Change in Ukraine's Military Strategy

Following an unsuccessful counteroffensive, Ukraine has reportedly shifted its strategy from eliminating purely military targets to destroying Russian infrastructure that supports both civilians and the military-industrial complex.

Since January, unmanned drones have frequently attacked Russian energy sector facilities.

In just over three months, major Russian oil refineries and depots have been attacked around 20 times, significantly disrupting oil processing and causing fuel prices to spike.

As a result, the Russian government has banned gasoline exports for six months and has requested additional fuel supplies from Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, Russia has also witnessed a spike in sabotage acts like arson attacks on military enlistment offices, administrative buildings, and railway relay cabinets.

The Russian government is responding by proposing stricter penalties for those convicted of such acts. Proposed amendments could increase the maximum sentence for sabotage from 25 to 35 years of imprisonment.

Additionally, the government has already approved a proposal to lower the age of criminal responsibility for acts of sabotage from 16 to 14 years.