Argentina Moves to Join NATO's Circle of Global Partners

Written by Henrik Rothen

Apr.18 - 2024 11:31 PM CET

Argentina wants to become an official global partner of NATO.

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Argentina has stepped onto the international stage with a strategic pivot, formally requesting to become a "global partner" of NATO.

According to Buenos Aires Times, this bold move was announced by Argentine Defence Minister Luis Petri, who shared details of the initiative after a high-profile meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

A Strategic Proposal in Brussels

During his visit, Petri engaged with NATO's Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoana, to whom he handed a letter of intent.

This document articulates Argentina's aspirations to align more closely with the Western military alliance, marking a significant shift in the country's foreign policy under the leadership of President Javier Milei.

On X, the social platform formerly known as Twitter, Petri shared insights from the encounter.

"I met with Mircea Geoana... I presented him with the letter of intent expressing Argentina's request to become a global partner of this organisation," he wrote, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to "recover links" and "modernise and train our forces to NATO standards."

Argentina's New Direction Under Milei

Since assuming office, President Milei, known for his "anarcho-capitalist" views, has realigned Argentina's international relations, prioritizing partnerships with the United States, Israel, and now, potentially, NATO.

This realignment reflects Milei's broader strategy to position Argentina within global geopolitics, diverging from previous administrations' stances, particularly in relation to the BRICS bloc.

The Road to Partnership

NATO, currently comprising 32 member countries, operates under a collective defence mechanism established by the North Atlantic Treaty.

To integrate Argentina as a global partner—a status held by only nine other nations, including Latin American neighbor Colombia—a unanimous agreement among all member states is required.

Geoana acknowledged Argentina's significant role in Latin America and expressed a positive outlook on the proposal, as relayed by Defence Ministry sources. They indicated the discussions in Brussels went well, with Geoana hoping for a swift process towards inclusion.