Kremlin Spokesperson: U.S. Politicians Use Putin as a Campaign Tool

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.30 - 2024 1:42 PM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
He noted that this is not a new phenomenon and that the Russian side has become accustomed to it.

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As the U.S. presidential election approaches, both Democrats and Republicans are increasingly using Russian President Vladimir Putin's image and accusations against Moscow as political tools, according to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Both Russia and the Russian head of state are significant factors

Speaking to reporters, Peskov highlighted that this trend is expected to intensify as the election draws closer, according to Lenta.

"Of course, there will be many such statements as the U.S. elections approach, because both Russia and the Russian head of state personally are significant factors that are exploited by both Republicans and Democrats in their political struggles, especially during the campaign period," Peskov stated.

He noted that this is not a new phenomenon and that the Russian side has become accustomed to it.

Frequently Serves as a Means to Critique

Peskov's comments reflect a broader trend in American politics, where foreign policy issues, particularly involving Russia, often become focal points in electoral campaigns.

The portrayal of Putin and Russia in U.S. political discourse frequently serves as a means to critique opponents' foreign policy stances or to underscore national security concerns.

Earlier, Peskov remarked that former U.S. President Donald Trump demonstrated greater wisdom than other American politicians by advocating for dialogue and bilateral relations with Russia. However, Peskov also emphasized that Russia harbors no illusions about the potential return of Trump to power, signaling a realistic understanding of the fluctuating nature of international relations.