Ukraine Battles for Key Gas Platforms After Driving Russians From Snake Island

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.24 - 2024 9:03 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Snake Island have become strategic due to the Russian military's use of them to monitor Ukrainian forces.

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After Ukraine successfully ousted Russian forces from Snake Island, a new battle is now underway for control of several gas drilling platforms in the Black Sea.

Used to Monitor Ukrainian Forces

These platforms, located east of Snake Island, have become strategic due to the Russian military's use of them to monitor Ukrainian forces and track missiles and drones targeting Russian-occupied Crimea.

The Ukrainian special unit, Timur, recently launched an attack on the platforms, using rapid boats to strike the area with machine gun fire, even downing a modern Russian Su-30 fighter jet, according to Ziare.

Although the forces withdrew after the attack, this effort reflects Ukraine’s determination to expel Russian forces from this region.

Reopened Vital Export Routes

Snake Island itself, located about 20 miles from the coast, still bears the scars of the brutal fight for control. The island is littered with the remains of Russian military equipment and destroyed buildings.

Ukraine recaptured the island in June 2022, offering it a critical foothold in the Black Sea.

This victory reopened Ukraine’s vital export routes, providing a much-needed boost to its struggling economy. Ukrainian officials point to a historical saying: "Whoever controls Snake Island controls the sea."

The battle for Snake Island was fierce, marked by relentless Ukrainian strikes that forced Russian troops to abandon their position. Despite Russian attempts to hold the island, Ukraine’s control has been a major win for its military, which continues to defend the area from further Russian incursions.
