Australian Man Rescued by Romanian Sailors After Hours Adrift at Sea

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.24 - 2024 12:10 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
The stranded Australian, showed visible signs of hypothermia and distress.

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A remarkable rescue took place recently when Romanian sailors aboard the container ship Hyundai Privilege saved the life of an Australian man who had been adrift at sea for several hours.

Suffered Hypothermia

The incident occurred far from the port of Brisbane, Australia, where the man was found frozen and in shock, as reported by the Free Union of Navigators.

The crew, led by Captain Rădulescu, successfully maneuvered the vessel close enough to the man's small yellow boat to retrieve him. Harley McMahon, the stranded Australian, showed visible signs of hypothermia and distress after enduring a harrowing experience at sea, according to Ziare.

The Romanian sailors quickly provided first aid, transforming their ship into a sanctuary for McMahon, who was facing what seemed to be an imminent fate.

Praised by Australian Government

The actions of the Romanian crew garnered admiration from the Australian government and local authorities.

“Thanks to the impeccable maneuvers of the crew, McMahon was brought aboard the Hyundai Privilege, where immediate medical assistance was rendered,” the source noted.

Once stabilized, McMahon was successfully transferred to a police rescue boat for further care.

Following the successful rescue, the Hyundai Privilege resumed its course toward Brisbane, continuing its mission after this extraordinary act of seamanship.