Serbian President: West Prepares for Direct Clash with Russia

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.22 - 2024 8:46 AM CET

The West are increasingly gearing up for a more direct confrontation.

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In a recent statement, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claimed that Western nations are actively preparing for a direct conflict with Russia.

Not Ready Yet

Speaking to Pink TV, Vucic expressed his belief that while the West prefers to wage wars from a distance through proxies, they are increasingly gearing up for a more direct confrontation, according to Ziare.

Vucic asserted that the West is indifferent to the human cost in Ukraine, emphasizing that Western powers are willing to engage in conflict as long as their own citizens are not significantly affected.

"The West wants to fight wars remotely, using others and investing money, but they are not ready for a direct conflict with Russia yet. However, they are preparing for it, and they are doing so much faster than some people realize," he stated.

Disregard for Ukrainian Casualties

He pointed out that this preparation is evident from military maneuvers and strategic developments. "We know from military preparations how things are progressing, and I want to tell you that they are indeed getting ready for a military conflict," Vucic added.

The Serbian president also highlighted the West's apparent disregard for Ukrainian casualties, suggesting it stems from the fact that Russia possesses vast natural resources.

"As long as people in the West do not die or only volunteers die, they do not care how many Ukrainians will die," Vucic said, attributing this attitude to the West's interest in Russia's abundant oil, gas, phosphates, gold, and silver.

Additionally, Vucic referenced perspectives from Scandinavian countries, which argue that "Russia does not deserve such a vast territory because it belongs to all of humanity."
