Russia Blames NATO: Their Stance Blocks Peace Talks

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.14 - 2024 11:49 AM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The lack of consideration for Russia's concerns by NATO has eliminated the foundation for peace talks

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Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov recently stated that the lack of consideration for Russia's concerns by NATO has eliminated the foundation for peace talks regarding Ukraine.

Elections Imptact Negatively

In an interview with VGTRK journalist Pavel Zarubin, Peskov emphasized the impasse in negotiations, according to Lenta.

Earlier, British academic Richard Sakwa highlighted that the current moment is ideal for initiating Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations.

He warned that the upcoming U.S. presidential elections might negatively impact these discussions. However, he suggested that a victory by former President Donald Trump could increase the chances of peace.

Negotiations Will Have to Begin

"Sooner or later, all parties will have to begin negotiations, unless a third world war erupts, potentially destroying the entire European continent, which is possible if the escalation and madness continue. With Ukraine set to receive F-16s, the future is uncertain," Sakwa explained.

Adding to the complexity, the Spanish newspaper El País reported that new peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv are anticipated by the end of the year.

This prediction follows Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visits to Russia and China. According to Orbán, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping both support this outlook.
